[Christian-Albrechts-Universität] [Technical Faculty]

Formale Grundlagen Objektorientierter Sprachen
Vorlesung im Sommersemester 2005

Termin Vorlesung: Freitag, 10 ct. , Ü2
Termin Übung: anschließend
Beginn: 8. 4. 2005 (zu Semesteranfang)
Dozenten: Harald Fecher und Martin Steffen

Die vollständigen studientechnischen Daten sind über das Univis-System zu erfragen.
Abstract: Under constant construction... Wir werden im Semester verschiedene semantische Aspekte objektorientierter Sprachen besprechen. Anfangen werden wir mit [1], und dann sehen wir wie wir vorankommen und was uns/die Zuhörerschaft interessiert.

1. 8.April 1 - 2.6 of [1] basic notions (inheritance, classes, subtyping, variance ...)
2. 15. April 2.7-4 ... further basic (and perhaps not so basic) notions, object based language
3. 22. April -- ... some intro to the (untyped) l-calc
4. 29. April Chap 6 (£ 6.2)... untyped object calc (syntax, reduction)
5. 6. May   repetition of old stuff
6. 13. May   examples, traits, 1st-O. typing
7. 20. May   typing
8. 27. May   subtyping, minimal typing
9. 3. June no lecture (because of seminar)
10. 10. June   recursion
11. 17. June   imperative calculi
12 24. June   multi-threading
13. 1. July   F, universal polymorphism, existential types

Table 1: advance



Slides may or may not be provided (depending on the time, and no guarantee for completeness :-)


We start with Abadi and Cardelli's ``classic'' monograph [1] about calculus-based semantics for object oriented languages. [3] is less formalistic than the other mentioned works, but it provide some solid insight into the issues discussed in the lecture; we can use it as background reference. Pierce [4] puts more emphasis on functional calculi, resp. the encoding of class-based o-o concepts in typed l-calculi with higher-order type systems. The ``follow-up'' collection [5], interesting as it is, will probable not be within reach of the lecture. Bruce's book [2] is similar in spirit to [4], with stressing matching and F-bounded polymorphism instead.

All of the books can be inspected (and perhaps even lent) at our offices.


Martín Abadi and Luca Cardelli. A Theory of Objects. Monographs in Computer Science. Springer, 1996.

Kim B. Bruce. Foundations of Object-Oriented Programming Languages: Types and Semantics. MIT Press, March 2002.

Timothy Budd. An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming. Addison-Wesley, 2 edition, 1997.

Benjamin C. Pierce. Types and Programming Languages. MIT Press, February 2002.

Benjamin C. Pierce, editor. Advanced Topics in Types and Programming Languages. MIT Press, 2004.
Pages last (re-)generated July 1, 2005
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