Module Maxseq
let rec max_praefix l = (* determine the ``maximal'' prefix *)
match l with
[ ] ® ([ ],0)
| x::tl ®
let (l', m) = (max_praefix tl)
if (x+m) ³ 0
then (x::l', x+m)
else ( [ ], 0)
let max_postfix l = (* analogoulsy for postfix *)
let (postfix, m) = (max_praefix (List.rev l))
in (List.rev postfix, m)
let rec step (l: (int list × int list × int) list) =
(* sub list
max seq
max *)
match l with
[ ] ® [ ]
| [e] ® [e]
| (ll, seq_l, max_l) :: (lr, seq_r, max_r) :: tl ®
let (post, max_1) = max_postfix ll
and (prae, max_2) = max_praefix lr
match ( max_1+max_2£ max_l, max_l £ max_r, max_r £ max_1+max_2)
(true, true, _ ) ® (ll@lr, seq_r, max_r) :: step tl
| (true, _ , true) ® (ll@lr, seq_l, max_l) :: step tl
| ( _ , true, true) ® (ll@lr, post@prae, max_1+max_2) :: step tl
| (true, false,false) ® (ll@lr, seq_l, max_l) :: step tl
| (false,true, false) ® (ll@lr, seq_r, max_r) :: step tl
| (false,false,true) ® (ll@lr, post@prae, max_1+max_2) :: step tl
| _ ® raise ( Failure "Cannot happen")
let rec steps (l: (int list × int list × int) list) =
match l with
[ ] ® ([ ],[ ],0)
| [l1] ® l1
| _ ® steps (step l)
let rec explode_seq (l : int list) =
match l with
[ ] ® [ ]
| x::tl ®
if x³0
then ([x], [x], x) :: explode_seq tl
else ([x], [ ], 0) :: explode_seq tl
let maxseq (l : int list) =
let (_,s,_) = steps(explode_seq l) in s
Pages last (re-)generated October 28, 2002 (Martin Steffen)