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2  Sortieren

Literatur: Kapitel 7 und 8 aus [CLR90]. Knuth [Knu73b] enthält mehr über Sortieren als man wissen will. Heapsort stammt von Williams [Wil64], Quicksort von Tony Hoare [Hoa62]
Inhalt Heaps ·Heapsort ·Quicksort

Implementierung: Heaps als Array
Heapsort: Aufbau
Einfügen in den Heap

Heapify (A, i)                  
  l := Left(i); r := Right(i);  // Left(i), Right(i) are heaps   

  if l <= heapsize(A) and A[l] > A[i]   // finde das maximum
     then largest := l  else largest := i;
  if r <= heapsize(A) and  A[r] > A[largest]
     then largest := r;

  if largest != i                 // Verletzung der Heapbedingung?
     then exchange (A[i] , A[largest]);
          Heapify(A, largest);

Aufbau des Heaps

  heapsize[A]  := length[A];
  for i= floor(length(A)/2)) downto 1  // bottom-up
  do  heapify(A,i);



   build_heap(A);                       // build initial heap
   for i = length(A) downto 2           
   do  exchange A[1] A[i];              // extract maximum
       heapsize[A] := heapsize[A] - 1;  // decrease size of heap
       Heapify(A,1);                    // repair heap condition


Quicksort (2)


(* $Id:,v 1.8 2001/11/11 12:40:19 softtech Exp $ *)

(* A functional implementation of quicksort. The divide-and-conquer
   approach is visible in the recursive inner $\ocwlowerid{sort}$-function:
   It chooses as pivot the first element. Using the auxiliary function
   $\ocwlowerid{filter}$,\footnote{The function is directly available from
   the standard-library. It's included here for sake of reference.} it
   splits the remainder of the list into two halves, the elements less or
   equal the pivot and those larger than the pivot.  The sublists are
   sorted and, together with the pivot in the middle, put together to the
   sorted list.


open Basic;;
open Sort;;

module QuicksortFun (E: ORDERED) : (SORT with type elem = E.t) =
      type elem = E.t 
      let rec filter p l = match l with  (* auxiliary function *)
     []     -> []
      | x :: tl ->  
   if   (p x) 
   then  x::(filter p tl)
   else  filter p tl
      let rec sort (l : elem list) =   
 match l with  
          []  -> []
 | x :: tl  ->                                   (* x = pivot *)
     sort (filter (function y ->,x)) tl)
     @ [x] @                                     
     sort (filter (function y -> E.geq(y,x)) tl)

Quicksort mit arrays (1)

if  p < r 
    then   q := Partition(A,p,r)   

Quicksort mit arrays: Partitionieren

I1 A[i'] £ x £ A[j'] für alle i'< i, j' > j.
I2 A[i'] £ x £ A[j'] für alle i'£ i, j' ³ j.

Partition(A,p,r)                      /* p <= r         */
  x := A[p];
  i := p-1;
  j := r+1;
  while true                          /* invariant I_2    */
  do     repeat j := j-1
           until A[j] <= x;           /* non-strict comp. */
         repeat i := i+1
           until A[i] >= x;
         if   i < j                   /* invariant I_1    */
         then exchange A[i] <-> A[j]  /* invariant I_2    */
         else return   j;             /* j <= i           */

Analyse von Quicksort: worst case
Analyse von Quicksort: best case

Page last (re-)generated May 21, 2003 (Martin Steffen)
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