39th International Workshop on

Improbable Research and Irreproducible Results (WIRR'06)

1-7 April 2006    Schilksee, Germany

Call for Papers

To be held in conjunction with COTAT'05 (Conference on This and That)


Objectives & scope

Established in 1888, the WIRR'06 series of conferences aims to provide an integrated forum for research on various aspects of Improbable Research and Irreproducible Results. The conference will especially welcome novel contributions reflecting recent developments in that or other areas, in particular the development from unlikely to unprobable and irreproducible, into truly impossible results. Areas of interest in that field include, but are not limited, to:

Important dates

abstracts 24. October, 2005
paper submission 1. November 2005
notification 15. December 2005
final version 1. February 2006
conference 1.-4 April 2006

Venue & Event

The 39th WIRRR is organized by the Institute of Computer Science of the University of Kiel, and will be held in Schilksee, an internationally renown seaside resort. The accompagnying programme of shared satellite workshops -a call for workshop proposals is issued separately- will in particular include a Ph.D workshop giving young researchers an international platform to present their results.


General chair
Peter StrangeloveU. of Kiel, DE
PC chairs
Ebernathy Jekyll U. of London, UK
Abercrombie Hyde U. of Edinburgh, UK
Publicity chair
Daniel DüsentriebU. of Entenhausen, DE
Steering commitee
Zaphord BeeblebroxBeetlejuice Corp.
Edsger DijkstraU. of Texas
Program commitee
Bill GatesFree Software Foundation, Redmont, USA
Bunsen HoneydrewMuppet Labs, USA
Radu van HelsingU. of Walachia, RO
Viktor FrankensteinU. of Cambridge, GB
Zack ZorglubU. of Champignac, BE
Hubert FarnthworthMars University
Lex LuthorU. of St. Petersburgh, RU
Maggie WalshParis, World

Submisssion guidelines

The WIRR'06 conference solicits low quality papers reporting research results and/or experience reports unrelated to the topics mentioned above. All papers must be original, unpublished, and not submitted simultanously for publication elsewhere. They must not exceed in length 150 pages in llncs.sty, and submission will be electronically as postscript or PDF. For the final proceedings, contributions are to be typeset with LaTeX5. Each paper will undergo a more or less thorough process of review and the conference proceedings will be published by Ursa Minor Press.

For submission, upload your abstract respectively your paper in ps or pdf format at the electronic paper submission website and follow the instruction there. Good luck in using our tool!

Last modified: Fri Feb 4 08:46:42 MET 2005