4 Users
By users, we mean people interacting with the tool/the service. People
interact in various roles. They might include:
- The administrator is not part of the scientific
organization of the conference, i.e., he does not take part
semantical decisions concerning the content. In a certain sense,
he's outside the game.
- chair:
- program committee chair (chair for short). There might
be more than one chair. He or she is chairing the program committee and
is therefore part of the committee. A chair is in some sense the
``dictator'' concerning semantical issues which means he is granted more
privileges than the others.6 Basically he
can change all data all the time, for instance, he can remove or add
people from the committee, throw out papers, etc. Again, whether it's
smart to do so excessively is another question, but sometimes his
intervention is necessary. A simple example: one of the reviewers does
not do his work (for instance does not read the assigned papers), the
chairman must be able to throw him out, which means for the tool: remove
him from the data-base etc.7
- reviewer:
- = program committee member
- author:
- each paper must have at least one author, but there might be
more. For the software, one author plays are more important role than the
others, namely the one who interacts with the organizers. This is the
corresponding author.
- participant
- of the conference, i.e., a person who attend the
conference and listens to the presentations etc.
- outsider:
- That's the general public. An outsider does not interact
at all, except having a look at the public web pages.
4.1 Restrictions and side conditions
The groups of people are not disjoint, in other words, an individual can
interact with the service in different roles (at different times). Crucial
is to obey certain rules concerning who (respectively who in which
role) is allowed to do what or to see what. This also changes during time.
Here is a number of informal restrictions.
a not-yet-accepted paper may only be seen by the author who submitted
- the identities of submitting authors must be unknown to the outside
and also among the authors themselves
- a reviewer must not review his own paper, i.e., he must of course not
influence the decision
- an author never sees the discussion on his paper
- an author never sees the identity of his reviewers
- an author sees the verdict once all decisions are taken
- a reviewer does not see the reviews of his colleagues, until he has
sent his own review
- a chair can see everything all the time.
- it is expected that at least one author of an accepted paper
participates at the conference, i.e., each accepted paper must be
presented by an author
- optional: a reviewer must not know the identity of the authors
of the papers he reviews. This is also known as double-blind
last generated October 26, 2004 (ŠPublic License)