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1  SQL-model


Relevant is only the SQL-Spec.

The table conferences (cf. Listing ??) contains all the conferences being hosted by the server.
   id                           INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, -- Coma = conference service = many conferences
   name                         VARCHAR(127) NOT NULL,       -- Name/Acronym of the conference
   homepage                     VARCHAR(127),                -- webpage of the conference
   description                  TEXT,                        -- ``Werbung''/Beschreibung  fuer die Konferenz
   abstract_submission_deadline DATE,                        -- Abgabe einer Kurzfassung
   paper_submission_deadline    DATE,                        -- Abgabe des Papiers, danach beginnt die Begutachtung
   review_deadline              DATE,                        -- Abgabe der Bewertung durch die Gutachter
   final_version_deadline       DATE,                        -- Endversion des (evntl. revidierten) Papiers
   notification                 DATE,                        -- Benachrichtigung der Autoren (Ja/Nein + Kritik)
   conference_start             DATE,                        -- Beginn der eigentlichen Konferenz (nicht der Planung)
   conference_end               DATE,                        -- analog
   min_reviews_per_paper        INT,                         -- vorzugsweise: Mindestanzahl Gutachten

Most of the entries in the table should be self-explanatory. For the deadlines, the following ones are foreseen, in the order of events:
  1. The abstract submission deadline. This typically is a (secondary) deadline for authors shortly before the paper submission deadline. It allows the authors to upload an abstract of their papers. There is not much ``semantics'' behind this deadline, only that experience shows that it helps in organizing the conference to know in advances how many papers there will be, about what topics etc. A further advantage of the abstract submission deadline is that it may ``encourage'' the authors to try to meet the real paper deadline a little
  2. The paper submission deadline. This is the most important deadline for authors, namely: when must they finished their work! After that deadline, no new papers or new versions of the paper may be uploaded.1
  3. The review deadline: That's the first deadline for the reviewers, namely: when must they have finished their reading job and must have handed in the grades; on the basis of this information, the discussion and selection starts.
  4. The notification deadline: this is the deadline when the selection has ended and when the authors are notified about their success or failure.
  5. The final version deadline: afterwards, the successful authors may be required to up-load the ``very final version'' to be printed, sometimes also called camera ready version, which takes into account the criticism of the reviewers.

The persons using the tool are all kept in the table Person. Again most fields should be self-explanatory. Not all fields of a person must be filled in; in order to facilitate communication, we require the email address; for secure identification furthermore a password (cf. Listing ??). An
     CREATE TABLE Person                                          -- alle natuerlichen Personen
   first_name   VARCHAR(127),
   last_name    VARCHAR(127) NOT NULL,
   title        VARCHAR(32),
   affiliation  VARCHAR(127),
   email        VARCHAR(127) UNIQUE NOT NULL, -- UNIQUE wird ignoriert (?)
   phone_number VARCHAR(20),
   fax_number   VARCHAR(20),
   street       VARCHAR(127),
   postal_code  VARCHAR(20),
   city         VARCHAR(127),
   state        VARCHAR(127),
   country      VARCHAR(127),
   password     VARCHAR(127) NOT NULL,

Crucial for the interaction of persons with he tool are the roles the persons play (cf ??. Some of them were mentioned informally in the requirements specification [KSS04]. In the course of the semester, we reached at no agreement how to represent the role. Thus, neither the representation no the exact choice of roles are indicated in the shown SQL-code.
   conference_id  INT NOT NULL,
   person_id      INT NOT NULL,
   role_type      INT NOT NULL, -- allowed: 00,02,03,04,05 (not 01)
                                -- for meaning, see spec.
   state          INT, -- optional
   PRIMARY KEY (conference_id, person_id, role_type),
   INDEX (conference_id),
   INDEX (person_id),
   FOREIGN KEY (conference_id) REFERENCES Conference (id)
   FOREIGN KEY (person_id) REFERENCES Person (id)

In the textual representation which is agreed upon as supplementary global spec, we fixed the roles of Table 1 to be mandatory. Note that admin (corresponding to 01) is not a role within a conference. The numbers indicate the numerical representation.2

role integer
without role 00
chair 02
reviewer 03
author 04
participant 05
admin 01 not a role!

Table 1: roles

Papers are the things that the authors produce and upload via the tool in the process called submission. In general, it's some form of document, typcally in postscript or as pdf format; each document must have an author and belongs to one particular conference. The person indicated here as author is also called the corresponding author which refers to the one from the authors who takes main resposability to interact with the system. The abstract of a paper is a short text which summarizes in a few lines the content of the paper.
   id              INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
   conference_id   INT NOT NULL,
   author_id       INT NOT NULL,
   title           VARCHAR(127) NOT NULL,
   abstract        TEXT,         -- Kurzfassung der Artikels 
   last_edited     DATETIME,
   version         INT,
   filename        VARCHAR(127),
   state           INT NOT NULL,
   mime_type       VARCHAR(127),
   PRIMARY KEY (id),
   INDEX (conference_id),
   INDEX (author_id),
   FOREIGN KEY (conference_id) REFERENCES Conference (id)
   FOREIGN KEY (author_id) REFERENCES Person (id)

The state of a paper is used in the reviewing phase to indicate certain high-level information concerning the result of the discussion. The states agreed upon are shown in Table 2. The numerical representation is included for those implementations, that do not want to use an extra table.

state num. representation
no special state (not being reviewed) 00
being reviewed 01
being reviewed, conflicting 02
accepted 03
rejected 04

Table 2: State

Each paper has at least one author, as a paper does not write itself. A paper may have more than one author, though, and the additional ones are called in the context of Coma coauthors.3 The table IsCoauthorOf associates persons and papers (cf. Listing ??). The name-field is to contain the name of the coauthor as string. As the coauthor does not have a active role in connection with the tool, it may suffices to keep the name of the coauthor; this avoids a full ``registration'' of the coauthor in the tool. Alternatively, the coauthor can be represented as an entry in the table of persons. As a constraint, exactly one of the field person_id or the name field may be non-trivially filled in.

   person_id  INT,
   paper_id   INT NOT NULL,
   name       VARCHAR(127),
   INDEX (paper_id),
   FOREIGN KEY (paper_id) REFERENCES Paper (id)

As the name indicates, a topic is some area of research of interest for a particular conference, and especially of interest for some of the reviewers of the conference, and it may be a topic dealt with in the papers (cf. Listing ??). In general, each conference has a certain number of topics, which are selected when planning the conference. Also the number of topics cannot be predefined, some conferences like to concentrate on 4 chosen topics, others which to cover 20 or more. So a topic is associated with a conference, and field carrying the semantic information is the name-field, which contains a (usually not too long) descriptive string.
   conference_id INT NOT NULL,
   name          VARCHAR(127) NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY (id),
   INDEX (conference_id),
   FOREIGN KEY (conference_id) REFERENCES Conference (id)

The topic can be used by authors, which categorize their paper into a number of topics given for the conference and which they feel appropriate when submitting. Furthermore, the algorithm which assigns reviewers to papers may make use of this table (cf. [KSS04]). The corresponding associations between papers and topics respectively between topics and reviewers are shown in Listing ?? and ??
     CREATE TABLE IsAboutTopic
   paper_id INT NOT NULL,
   topic_id INT NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY (paper_id, topic_id),
   INDEX (paper_id),
   INDEX (topic_id),
   FOREIGN KEY (paper_id) REFERENCES Paper (id)
   FOREIGN KEY (topic_id) REFERENCES Topic (id)

     CREATE TABLE PrefersTopic
   person_id  INT NOT NULL,
   topic_id   INT NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY (person_id, topic_id),
   INDEX (person_id),
   INDEX (topic_id),
   FOREIGN KEY (person_id) REFERENCES Person (id)
   FOREIGN KEY (topic_id) REFERENCES Topic (id)

Listing ?? shows three further associations of persons, in particular reviewers) with papers. The first one expresses a preference of a reviewer for a paper with the same intention as the preference of a reviewer for a topic, namely for use in the distribution of papers to reviewers. The remaining to tables express situation where it is not possible for a reviewer to review a paper. The first one is the situation where the reviewer simply refuses to review the paper for some reason, i.e., his unwillingness to do work on that particular paper is so extreme, that the distribution algorithm guarantees that the reviewer is not assigned this paper.4 The association ExcludesPaper is even more severe. Is may be the case that a single person acts in the role of a reviewer and in the role of an author (or coauthor) in the same conference. In this case he must not review is paper or take part in the discussion, and even more: he is not even allowed to follow passively the disucssion about his paper (cf. [KSS04]).
     CREATE TABLE PrefersPaper
   person_id  INT NOT NULL,
   paper_id   INT NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY (person_id, paper_id),
   INDEX (person_id),
   INDEX (paper_id),
   FOREIGN KEY (person_id) REFERENCES Person (id)
   FOREIGN KEY (paper_id) REFERENCES Paper (id)

   person_id  INT NOT NULL,
   paper_id   INT NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY (person_id, paper_id),
   INDEX (person_id),
   INDEX (paper_id),
   FOREIGN KEY (person_id) REFERENCES Person (id)
   FOREIGN KEY (paper_id) REFERENCES Paper (id)

CREATE TABLE ExcludesPaper
   person_id  INT NOT NULL,
   paper_id   INT NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY (person_id, paper_id),
   INDEX (person_id),
   INDEX (paper_id),
   FOREIGN KEY (person_id) REFERENCES Person (id)
   FOREIGN KEY (paper_id) REFERENCES Paper (id)

A review report is produced by a rewiewer reflecting his opinion about one paper. The review is partly free-form text, where the reviewer expression freely his opinion and gives hints about possible errors or whatever he feels appropriate to remark, but also contains standardized parts such as categorized (numerical) grades. The free-form text is stored in the summary-, the remarks-, and the confidential-field. The confidential text is the part of the review that the author must not see in the end, whereas all other parts of the review except the identity of the reviewer itself, will be passed to the author.

   paper_id     INT NOT NULL,
   reviewer_id  INT NOT NULL,
   summary      TEXT,
   remarks      TEXT,
   confidential TEXT,
   PRIMARY KEY (id),
   INDEX (paper_id),
   INDEX (reviewer_id),
   FOREIGN KEY (paper_id) REFERENCES Paper (id)
   FOREIGN KEY (reviewer_id) REFERENCES Person (id)

The structures for grading of a submission, i.e., the not-so-free-form of the review report, is shown in Listing ??. In a simular way that the organizes of a conference can choose a number of topics that they wish to be treated in the conference, they can choose a rating schema to assure that the ``best'' papers are selected. This involves a number of categories, the criteria, according to which the papers are to be judged. Typical examples are technical soundness, relevance to the conference, originality/novelty of contribution, writing style etc. The table Criterion represents the possible criteria chosen for a conference, where the field name represents the human understandable string characterizing the criterion, and description is used for some more explanatory text about the criterion (for instance, whether a small value is better than a high value or other information which helps the reviewer). The criteria are all represented by numerical values, and max_value gives the maximal possible value. The quality_rating can be used to build a weighted mean of all criteria for an overall rating. The default is the ordinary mean value, i.e., the quality rating is 1 for all criteria for the conference.

The rating of a paper (cf. table Rating) then contains the actual grading for a given paper, i.e., the numerical values per criterion for the paper according to the review report at hand (the field grade). Apart from the numerical value, the reviewer can add some explanatory text or justification for this grade in the field comment.
     CREATE TABLE Criterion
   id             INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
   conference_id  INT NOT NULL,
   name           VARCHAR(127) NOT NULL,
   description    TEXT,
   max_value      INT,
   quality_rating INT,
   PRIMARY KEY (id),
   INDEX (conference_id),
   FOREIGN KEY (conference_id) REFERENCES Conference (id)

   review_id    INT NOT NULL,
   criterion_id INT NOT NULL,
   grade        INT NOT NULL,
   comment      TEXT,
   PRIMARY KEY (review_id, criterion_id),
   INDEX (review_id),
   INDEX (criterion_id),
   FOREIGN KEY (review_id) REFERENCES ReviewReport (id)
   FOREIGN KEY (criterion_id) REFERENCES Criterion (id)

The last two tables are concerned with the discussion forum of a conference. The main purpose is to facilitate the exchange of opinions and coming to a consensus among reviewers during the reviewing and selection phase (cf. Listing ??).

   id             INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
   conference_id  INT NOT NULL,
   title          VARCHAR(127) NOT NULL,
   forum_type     INT NOT NULL,
   paper_id       INT,
   PRIMARY KEY (id),
   INDEX (conference_id),
   INDEX (forum_type),
   FOREIGN KEY (conference_id) REFERENCES Conference (id)

   forum_id  INT,
   reply_to  INT,
   sender_id INT NOT NULL,
   send_time DATETIME,
   subject   VARCHAR(127),
   text      TEXT,
   PRIMARY KEY (id),
   INDEX (sender_id),
   FOREIGN KEY (sender_id) REFERENCES Person (id)

last generated January 13, 2005 (ŠPublic License)
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