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Class codegen.CodeGenTrans


public class CodeGenTrans
extends Object
This class defines an auxilluary class for creating code for transitions.

$Id:,v 1.2 1999/02/17 14:02:04 swtech25 Exp $
Marcel Kyas

Variable Index

 o action
Code for the action.
 o guard
Code of the guard.
 o next
Next transition
 o number
Number of transition.
 o source
Name of the source state.
 o target
Name of the target.

Constructor Index

 o CodeGenTrans()


 o number
 public int number
Number of transition.

 o source
 public String source
Name of the source state.

 o guard
 public String guard
Code of the guard.

 o action
 public String action
Code for the action.

 o target
 public String target
Name of the target.

 o next
 public CodeGenTrans next
Next transition


 o CodeGenTrans
 public CodeGenTrans()

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