All Packages Class Hierarchy
Index of all Fields and Methods
- Absyn().
Constructor for class absyn.Absyn
- action.
Variable in class absyn.TLabel
- Righ-hand-side of the label: action
- Action().
Constructor for class absyn.Action
- ActionBlock(Aseq).
Constructor for class absyn.ActionBlock
- ActionBlock(Aseq, Location).
Constructor for class absyn.ActionBlock
- ActionEmpty(Dummy).
Constructor for class absyn.ActionEmpty
- ActionEmpty(Dummy, Location).
Constructor for class absyn.ActionEmpty
- ActionEvt(SEvent).
Constructor for class absyn.ActionEvt
- ActionEvt(SEvent, Location).
Constructor for class absyn.ActionEvt
- actionOk.
Variable in class editor.Editor
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent).
Method in class check.CheckOption
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent).
Method in class codegen.CodeGenConfig
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent).
Method in class editor.Editor
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent).
Method in class gui.tesc2Option
- ActionStmt(Boolstmt).
Constructor for class absyn.ActionStmt
- ActionStmt(Boolstmt, Location).
Constructor for class absyn.ActionStmt
- activeState.
Variable in class editor.Editor
- addGUIMenu(Menu).
Method in interface gui.GUIInterface
- Diese Funktion
fuegt ein "Menu" in die Menuzeile der GUI ein.
- addGUIMenu(Menu).
Method in class gui.pest
- AlgorithmException().
Constructor for class tesc2.AlgorithmException
- Default-Konstruktor ohne Text
- AlgorithmException(String).
Constructor for class tesc2.AlgorithmException
- Konstruktor mit Fehlermeldung
- AND.
Static variable in class absyn.Compguard
- Constants.
- And_State(Statename, StateList).
Constructor for class absyn.And_State
- And_State(Statename, StateList, CRectangle).
Constructor for class absyn.And_State
- And_State(Statename, StateList, CRectangle, Location).
Constructor for class absyn.And_State
- andStateMouseMoved(MouseEvent, Editor).
Static method in class editor.EditorUtils
- andStateMouseReleased(MouseEvent, Editor).
Static method in class editor.EditorUtils
- append(String).
Method in class absyn.Path
- aseq.
Variable in class absyn.ActionBlock
- Contents of the block.
- Aseq(Action, Aseq).
Constructor for class absyn.Aseq
- Constructor.
- Aseq(Action, Aseq, Location).
Constructor for class absyn.Aseq
- ass.
Variable in class absyn.BAss
- Contents of the assignment.
- Basic_State(Statename).
Constructor for class absyn.Basic_State
- Basic_State(Statename, CRectangle).
Constructor for class absyn.Basic_State
- Basic_State(Statename, CRectangle, Location).
Constructor for class absyn.Basic_State
- BAss(Bassign).
Constructor for class absyn.BAss
- Constructor.
- BAss(Bassign, Location).
Constructor for class absyn.BAss
- Bassign(Bvar, Guard).
Constructor for class absyn.Bassign
- Constructs a boolean assignment.
- Bassign(Bvar, Guard, Location).
Constructor for class absyn.Bassign
- blhs.
Variable in class absyn.Bassign
- Left-hand-side of a boolean assignment.
- Boolstmt().
Constructor for class absyn.Boolstmt
- brhs.
Variable in class absyn.Bassign
- Right-hand-side of a boolean assignment.
- bvar.
Variable in class absyn.GuardBVar
- Contents of variable.
- Bvar(String).
Constructor for class absyn.Bvar
- Constructor.
- Bvar(String, Location).
Constructor for class absyn.Bvar
- BvarList(Bvar, BvarList).
Constructor for class absyn.BvarList
- Constructor.
- bvars.
Variable in class absyn.Statechart
- caption.
Variable in class absyn.TLabel
- Caption of the label: caption
- cbbezier.
Variable in class editor.Editor
- cguard.
Variable in class absyn.GuardCompg
- Contents of compound guard.
- ChartTools().
Constructor for class util.ChartTools
- CheckConfig().
Constructor for class check.CheckConfig
- checkLabels(Statechart).
Method in class check.ModelCheck
- ueberprüft alle BVars/Events, die innerhalb der "Statechart" definiert sind
ueberflüssige BVars/Events koennten "Warnungen" sein.
- checkModel(Statechart).
Method in class check.ModelCheck
- Ueberprueft die komplette "Statechart"
Rueckgabe der Methode ist TRUE, wenn keine Fehler oder Warnungen vorhanden
sind, FALSE sonst.
- CheckOption(pest, CheckConfig).
Constructor for class check.CheckOption
- clone().
Method in class absyn.Absyn
- clone().
Method in class absyn.Action
- clone().
Method in class absyn.ActionBlock
- clone().
Method in class absyn.ActionEmpty
- clone().
Method in class absyn.ActionEvt
- clone().
Method in class absyn.ActionStmt
- clone().
Method in class absyn.And_State
- clone().
Method in class absyn.Aseq
- clone().
Method in class absyn.Basic_State
- clone().
Method in class absyn.BAss
- clone().
Method in class absyn.Bassign
- clone().
Method in class absyn.Boolstmt
- clone().
Method in class absyn.Bvar
- clone().
Method in class absyn.BvarList
- clone().
Method in class absyn.Compguard
- clone().
Method in class absyn.Comppath
- clone().
Method in class absyn.Conname
- clone().
Method in class absyn.Connector
- clone().
Method in class absyn.ConnectorList
- clone().
Method in class absyn.CPoint
- clone().
Method in class absyn.CRectangle
- clone().
Method in class absyn.Dummy
- clone().
Method in class absyn.Guard
- clone().
Method in class absyn.GuardBVar
- clone().
Method in class absyn.GuardCompg
- clone().
Method in class absyn.GuardCompp
- clone().
Method in class absyn.GuardEmpty
- clone().
Method in class absyn.GuardEvent
- clone().
Method in class absyn.GuardNeg
- clone().
Method in class absyn.GuardUndet
- clone().
Method in class absyn.Location
- clone().
Method in class absyn.MFalse
- clone().
Method in class absyn.MTrue
- clone().
Method in class absyn.Or_State
- clone().
Method in class absyn.Path
- clone().
Method in class absyn.PathList
- clone().
Method in class absyn.Pest_AbSyntax
- clone().
Method in class absyn.Pest_CoordSyntax
- clone().
Method in class absyn.Pest_NocoordSyntax
- clone().
Method in class absyn.Ref_State
- clone().
Method in class absyn.SEvent
- clone().
Method in class absyn.SEventList
- clone().
Method in class absyn.State
- clone().
Method in class absyn.Statechart
- clone().
Method in class absyn.StateList
- clone().
Method in class absyn.Statename
- clone().
Method in class absyn.StatenameList
- clone().
Method in class absyn.Syntax_Type
- clone().
Method in class absyn.Tesc_Syntax
- clone().
Method in class absyn.TLabel
- clone().
Method in class absyn.Tr
- clone().
Method in class absyn.TrAnchor
- clone().
Method in class absyn.TrList
- clone().
Method in class absyn.UNDEFINED
- cnames.
Variable in class absyn.Statechart
- CodeGen(Statechart).
Constructor for class codegen.CodeGen
- This simple constructor will generate code for a statechart
s using default options.
- CodeGen(Statechart, CodeGenOpt).
Constructor for class codegen.CodeGen
- This constructor will cause codegen to produce code for
statechart s with options o.
- CodeGen(Statechart, Statechart).
Constructor for class codegen.CodeGen
- This constructor will generate code for statecharts s1
and s2 with the default options.
- CodeGen(Statechart, Statechart, CodeGenOpt).
Constructor for class codegen.CodeGen
- This constructor will generate code for statecharts s1
and s2 with options o.
- CodeGenConfig(pest, CodeGenOpt).
Constructor for class codegen.CodeGenConfig
- CodeGenException().
Constructor for class codegen.CodeGenException
- Constructor
- CodeGenException(String).
Constructor for class codegen.CodeGenException
- CodeGenOpt().
Constructor for class codegen.CodeGenOpt
- The options are initialized with the following settings:
nondetFlavor is takeFirst, envFlavor is none; traceCodeGen,
verbose, and twoStatecharts are false.
- CodeGenTrans().
Constructor for class codegen.CodeGenTrans
- CodeGenTrans(int, String, String, String, String).
Constructor for class codegen.CodeGenTrans
- CodeGenTrList().
Constructor for class codegen.CodeGenTrList
- CodeGenTrList(CodeGenTrans).
Constructor for class codegen.CodeGenTrList
- CodeGenTrList(CodeGenTrans, CodeGenTrList).
Constructor for class codegen.CodeGenTrList
- compChart(Statechart, Statechart, String, boolean, boolean).
Static method in class util.ChartTools
- Komposition von a und b als Substates eines AND-States.
- Compguard(int, Guard, Guard).
Constructor for class absyn.Compguard
- Constructor.
- Compguard(int, Guard, Guard, Location).
Constructor for class absyn.Compguard
- Constructor.
- Comppath(int, Path).
Constructor for class absyn.Comppath
- Constructor.
- Comppath(int, Path, Location).
Constructor for class absyn.Comppath
- Conname(String).
Constructor for class absyn.Conname
- Conname(String, CPoint).
Constructor for class absyn.Conname
- Conname(String, CPoint, Location).
Constructor for class absyn.Conname
- Connector(Conname).
Constructor for class absyn.Connector
- Constructor.
- Connector(Conname, CPoint).
Constructor for class absyn.Connector
- Constructor with Position.
- Connector(Conname, CPoint, Location).
Constructor for class absyn.Connector
- Constructor with Position and Location.
- ConnectorList(Connector, ConnectorList).
Constructor for class absyn.ConnectorList
- Constructor.
- connectors.
Variable in class absyn.Or_State
- cpath.
Variable in class absyn.GuardCompp
- CPoint().
Constructor for class absyn.CPoint
- Constructor.
- CPoint(int, int).
Constructor for class absyn.CPoint
- Constructor.
- CPoint(Point).
Constructor for class absyn.CPoint
- Constructor.
- createStateMouseDragged(MouseEvent, Editor).
Static method in class editor.EditorUtils
- createStateMousePressed(MouseEvent, Editor).
Static method in class editor.EditorUtils
- createStateMouseReleased(MouseEvent, Editor).
Static method in class editor.EditorUtils
- CRectangle().
Constructor for class absyn.CRectangle
- Constructor.
- CRectangle(CPoint).
Constructor for class absyn.CRectangle
- Constructor.
- CRectangle(CPoint, Dimension).
Constructor for class absyn.CRectangle
- Constructor.
- CRectangle(CRectangle).
Constructor for class absyn.CRectangle
- Constructor.
- CRectangle(Dimension).
Constructor for class absyn.CRectangle
- Constructor.
- CRectangle(int, int).
Constructor for class absyn.CRectangle
- Constructor.
- CRectangle(int, int, int, int).
Constructor for class absyn.CRectangle
- Constructor.
- Crossreference().
Constructor for class check.Crossreference
- Crossreference(GUIInterface, Editor).
Constructor for class check.Crossreference
- Crossreference(GUIInterface, Editor, CheckConfig).
Constructor for class check.Crossreference
- defaults.
Variable in class absyn.Or_State
- deleteStateMouseMoved(MouseEvent, Editor).
Static method in class editor.EditorUtils
- deleteStateMouseReleased(MouseEvent, Editor).
Static method in class editor.EditorUtils
- Dispose().
Static method in class editor.Editor
- schliesst das Editorfenster
- dragStateMouseDragged(MouseEvent, Editor).
Static method in class editor.EditorUtils
- dragStateMousePressed(MouseEvent, Editor).
Static method in class editor.EditorUtils
- dragStateMouseReleased(MouseEvent, Editor).
Static method in class editor.EditorUtils
- dummy.
Variable in class absyn.ActionEmpty
- dummy.
Variable in class absyn.GuardEmpty
- Contents of empty guard.
- Dummy().
Constructor for class absyn.Dummy
- Constructor.
- Dummy(Location).
Constructor for class absyn.Dummy
- dumpHA(Statechart, Statechart, CodeGenOpt).
Constructor for class codegen.dumpHA
- This will construct a dumb instance of dumpHA.
- dumpTables(Statechart).
Constructor for class codegen.dumpTables
- This is the only constructor for this class.
- Editor(Statechart, String, int, int, int, int, GUIInterface).
Constructor for class editor.Editor
- public Editor(Statechart st, String l)
Erzeugt ein Editorobjekt und öffnet ein Editorfenster
- editorClosing().
Method in interface gui.GUIInterface
- editorClosing
Diese Funktion dient dazu,der GUI mitzuteilen,dass der Editor geschlosen wurde.
- editorClosing().
Method in class gui.pest
- EditorUtils().
Constructor for class editor.EditorUtils
- edRef.
Static variable in class editor.Editor
- EingabeDialog(Frame, String, String, String).
Method in interface gui.GUIInterface
- EingabeDialog
wie OkDialog,jedoch mit OK und Abbrechen.Bietet zusätzlich noch ein
TextField zu Eingabe von Text,ein Defaulttext muss uebergeben werden.
- EingabeDialog(Frame, String, String, String).
Method in class gui.pest
- EingabeDialog(String, String, String).
Method in interface gui.GUIInterface
- EingabeDialog
wie OkDialog,jedoch mit OK und Abbrechen.Bietet zusätzlich noch ein
TextField zu Eingabe von Text,ein Defaulttext muss uebergeben werden.
- EingabeDialog(String, String, String).
Method in class gui.pest
- elhs.
Variable in class absyn.Compguard
- Left-hand-side.
- endEvent.
Static variable in class codegen.dumpTables
- This is our reserved event keyword.
- endPoint.
Variable in class editor.Editor
Static variable in class absyn.Comppath
- eop.
Variable in class absyn.Compguard
- Biary operation.
Static variable in class absyn.Compguard
- erhs.
Variable in class absyn.Compguard
- Right-hand-side.
- event.
Variable in class absyn.ActionEvt
- event.
Variable in class absyn.GuardEvent
- Contents of event.
- events.
Variable in class absyn.Statechart
- Example().
Constructor for class absyn.Example
Static variable in class absyn.Comppath
- extractChart(Statechart, Path).
Static method in class util.ChartTools
- State pos aus src als eigenständigen Statechart liefern.
- filename.
Variable in class absyn.Ref_State
- Name of the file
- filetype.
Variable in class absyn.Ref_State
- sort of the imported syntax
- fontsize.
Variable in class editor.Editor
- getChangedStatechart().
Method in class editor.Editor
- getConnectorcolor().
Method in interface gui.GUIInterface
- getConnectorcolor
Gibt ein Color-Objekt zurück, welches zum Zeichnen von Connectoren benutzt
werden soll.
- getConnectorcolor().
Method in class gui.pest
- getErrors().
Method in class check.ModelCheck
- Rueckgabe der Methode ist eine Liste (JAVA Klasse Vector) mit Fehlern
von Typ itemError
- getExample().
Static method in class absyn.Example
- getFatherOf(State, Editor).
Static method in class editor.EditorUtils
- getInnermostStateOf(int, int, Editor).
Static method in class editor.EditorUtils
- getLabel(BufferedReader, Statechart).
Method in class tesc1.TESCLoader
- Startet den Parse-Vorgang und liefert bei Erfolg ein Label.
- getMessage().
Method in class tesc2.AlgorithmException
- Gibt den Fehlertext zurueck (ueberschreibt die Methode
von Throwable)
- getMessage().
Method in class codegen.CodeGenException
- Overides Throwable
- getRef().
Static method in class editor.Editor
- getSideOf(Editor, State, int, int).
Static method in class editor.EditorUtils
- getStatechart().
Method in class editor.Editor
- Liefert den aktuellen Statechart zurück.
- getStatechart().
Method in class stm.HAImport
- Diese Methode liefert die StateChart, die aus dem dem Konstruktor
übergebenen Stream importiert wird.
- getStatechart(boolean).
Method in class stm.HAImport
- Diese Methode liefert die StateChart genau wie getStatechart(),
jedoch kann noch zusätzlich ein boolean-Parameter übergeben
werden, der festlegt, ob die Koordinaten mit übernommen werden sollen.
- getStatechart(boolean, boolean, int, int).
Method in class stm.HAImport
- Diese Methode liefert die StateChart genau wie getStatechart(),
jedoch kann noch zusätzlich zwei boolean-Parameter übergeben
werden, die festlegen, ob im StateChart vorkommende PEST-Keywords umbenannt
werden sollen und ob die Koordinaten mit übernommen werden sollen.
- getStatechart(boolean, int, int).
Method in class stm.HAImport
- Diese Methode liefert die StateChart genau wie getStatechart(),
jedoch kann noch zusätzlich ein boolean-Parameter übergeben
werden, der festlegt, ob die Koordinaten mit übernommen werden sollen.
- getStatechart(BufferedReader).
Method in class tesc1.TESCLoader
- Startet den Parse-Vorgang und liefert bei Erfolg ein Statechart.
- getStatechart(int, int).
Method in class stm.HAImport
- Diese Methode liefert die StateChart genau wie getStatechart(),
jedoch können noch zusätzlich zwei Integer-Parameter,
die die gewünschte Skalierungs-Auflösung angeben, übergeben werden.
- getStatecolor().
Method in interface gui.GUIInterface
- getStatecolor
Gibt ein Color-Objekt zurück, welches zum Zeichnen von States benutzt
werden soll.
- getStatecolor().
Method in class gui.pest
- getSubStateList(State).
Static method in class editor.EditorUtils
- getTransitioncolor().
Method in interface gui.GUIInterface
- getTransitioncolor
Gibt ein Color-Objekt zurück, welches zum Zeichnen von Transitionen benutzt
werden soll.
- getTransitioncolor().
Method in class gui.pest
- getWarnings().
Method in class check.ModelCheck
- Rückgabe der Methode ist eine Liste (JAVA Klasse Vector) mit Warnungen
von Typ itemWarning
- GraphOptimizer().
Constructor for class tesc2.GraphOptimizer
- Default-Konstruktor
- GraphOptimizer(Statechart, FontMetrics).
Constructor for class tesc2.GraphOptimizer
- Erzeugt Optimierer für Statechart _sc mit FontMetrics _fm
- guard.
Variable in class absyn.GuardNeg
- Guard to negate.
- guard.
Variable in class absyn.TLabel
- Left-hand-side of the label: guard.
- Guard().
Constructor for class absyn.Guard
- GuardBVar(Bvar).
Constructor for class absyn.GuardBVar
- Constructor.
- GuardBVar(Bvar, Location).
Constructor for class absyn.GuardBVar
- GuardCompg(Compguard).
Constructor for class absyn.GuardCompg
- Constructor.
- GuardCompg(Compguard, Location).
Constructor for class absyn.GuardCompg
- Constructor.
- GuardCompp(Comppath).
Constructor for class absyn.GuardCompp
- GuardCompp(Comppath, Location).
Constructor for class absyn.GuardCompp
- GuardEmpty(Dummy).
Constructor for class absyn.GuardEmpty
- Constructor.
- GuardEmpty(Dummy, Location).
Constructor for class absyn.GuardEmpty
- GuardEvent(SEvent).
Constructor for class absyn.GuardEvent
- Constructor.
- GuardEvent(SEvent, Location).
Constructor for class absyn.GuardEvent
- GuardNeg(Guard).
Constructor for class absyn.GuardNeg
- Constructor.
- GuardNeg(Guard, Location).
Constructor for class absyn.GuardNeg
- GuardUndet(String).
Constructor for class absyn.GuardUndet
- Constructor.
- GuardUndet(String, Location).
Constructor for class absyn.GuardUndet
- gui.
Variable in class editor.Editor
- HAImport(BufferedReader).
Constructor for class stm.HAImport
- Der Konstruktor dient zum Importieren einer StateChart
im HA-Format.
- HAImport(BufferedReader, GUIInterface).
Constructor for class stm.HAImport
- Konstruktor mit GUI-Unterstützung.
- hasCoords().
Method in class stm.HAImport
- Diese Methode liefert zurück, ob die importierte StateChart
Koordinaten hat (true) oder nicht (false).
- head.
Variable in class absyn.Aseq
- Head of the list.
- head.
Variable in class absyn.BvarList
- Head of the list.
- head.
Variable in class absyn.ConnectorList
- Head of the list.
- head.
Variable in class absyn.Path
- head.
Variable in class absyn.PathList
- head.
Variable in class absyn.SEventList
- head.
Variable in class absyn.StateList
- head.
Variable in class absyn.StatenameList
- head.
Variable in class absyn.TrList
- highlightObject().
Constructor for class editor.highlightObject
- highlightObject(And_State).
Constructor for class editor.highlightObject
- fuer das unhighlighten von And_State
- highlightObject(And_State, Color).
Constructor for class editor.highlightObject
- fuer das highlighten von And_State mit Farbe col
- highlightObject(Basic_State).
Constructor for class editor.highlightObject
- fuer das Unhighlighten von Basic_State
- highlightObject(Basic_State, Color).
Constructor for class editor.highlightObject
- highlighten von Basic_State mit Farbe col
- highlightObject(boolean).
Constructor for class editor.highlightObject
- highlightObject(Connector).
Constructor for class editor.highlightObject
- fuer das unhighlighten von Connector
- highlightObject(Connector, Color).
Constructor for class editor.highlightObject
- fuer das highlighten von Connector mit Farbe col
- highlightObject(Or_State).
Constructor for class editor.highlightObject
- fuer das unhighlighten von Or_State
- highlightObject(Or_State, Color).
Constructor for class editor.highlightObject
- fuer das highlighten von Or_State mit Farbe col
- highlightObject(State).
Constructor for class editor.highlightObject
- highlightObject(State, Color).
Constructor for class editor.highlightObject
- highlightObject(Tr).
Constructor for class editor.highlightObject
- fuer das unhighlighten von Transition
- highlightObject(Tr, Color).
Constructor for class editor.highlightObject
- fuer das highlighten von Transition mit Farbe col
Static variable in class absyn.Compguard
- IN.
Static variable in class absyn.Comppath
- Constants
- insertChart(Statechart, Statechart, Path, boolean, boolean).
Static method in class util.ChartTools
- Einfügen der Statechart src in dest an Stelle des States mit Path pos(muß aus dest sein).
- isDebug().
Method in interface gui.GUIInterface
- isDebug
Gibt den Debugging Status zurueck.
- isDebug().
Method in class gui.pest
- isReserved(String).
Static method in class util.Keyword
- Diese Routine prüft, ob der angegebene String ein Schlüsselwort ist.
- Keyword().
Constructor for class util.Keyword
- label.
Variable in class absyn.Tr
Static variable in class tesc2.GraphOptimizer
- Die Einträge des Arrays sind Namen für die verwendbaren
- listenEditor().
Method in class editor.Editor
- location.
Variable in class absyn.Absyn
- Location(int).
Constructor for class absyn.Location
- main(String[]).
Static method in class util.ChartTools
- Main: Nur zum internen Testen; nicht benutzen.
- main(String[]).
Static method in class stm.HAImport
- main dient uns intern zum testen ohne GUI und sollte nicht
verwendet werden.
- main(String[]).
Static method in class gui.pest
- main(String[]).
Static method in class util.PrettyEx
- main-Methode -> Ausgabe Statechart-Example.
- MFalse(Bvar).
Constructor for class absyn.MFalse
- Constructor.
- MFalse(Bvar, Location).
Constructor for class absyn.MFalse
- ModelCheck().
Constructor for class check.ModelCheck
- ModelCheck(GUIInterface).
Constructor for class check.ModelCheck
- ModelCheck(GUIInterface, Editor).
Constructor for class check.ModelCheck
- ModelCheck(GUIInterface, Editor, CheckConfig).
Constructor for class check.ModelCheck
- MTrue(Bvar).
Constructor for class absyn.MTrue
- MTrue(Bvar, Location).
Constructor for class absyn.MTrue
- name.
Variable in class absyn.Conname
- name.
Variable in class absyn.Connector
- Connector name is used for initial bookkeeping only.
- name.
Variable in class absyn.SEvent
- name.
Variable in class absyn.State
- name.
Variable in class absyn.Statename
- newRect.
Variable in class editor.Editor
- nextInt().
Method in class util.RandomIntGenerator
- Bereichsanpassung
Static variable in class util.PrettyPrint
- Standardoffset-Spalte.
Static variable in class util.PrettyPrint
- Standardtabulator.
- OkDialog(Frame, String, String).
Method in interface gui.GUIInterface
- OkDialog
Bringt einen modalen Dialog mit dem uebergebenen Titel,
Nachricht und OK-Button auf den Bildschirm.
- OkDialog(Frame, String, String).
Method in class gui.pest
- OkDialog(String, String).
Method in interface gui.GUIInterface
Bringt einen modalen Dialog mit dem uebergebenen Titel,
Nachricht und OK-Button auf den Bildschirm.
- OkDialog(String, String).
Method in class gui.pest
- OR.
Static variable in class absyn.Compguard
- Or_State(Statename, StateList, TrList, StatenameList, ConnectorList).
Constructor for class absyn.Or_State
- Or_State(Statename, StateList, TrList, StatenameList, ConnectorList, CRectangle).
Constructor for class absyn.Or_State
- Or_State(Statename, StateList, TrList, StatenameList, ConnectorList, CRectangle, Location).
Constructor for class absyn.Or_State
- orStateSplit(Or_State, Or_State, Editor).
Static method in class editor.EditorUtils
- paint(Graphics).
Method in class editor.Editor
- paint(Graphics).
Method in class gui.pest
- path.
Variable in class absyn.Comppath
- Path.
- Path(String, Path).
Constructor for class absyn.Path
- PathList(Path, PathList).
Constructor for class absyn.PathList
- pathop.
Variable in class absyn.Comppath
- Path operation.
- pest().
Constructor for class gui.pest
- Pest_AbSyntax().
Constructor for class absyn.Pest_AbSyntax
- Pest_CoordSyntax().
Constructor for class absyn.Pest_CoordSyntax
- Pest_CoordSyntax(Location).
Constructor for class absyn.Pest_CoordSyntax
- Pest_NocoordSyntax().
Constructor for class absyn.Pest_NocoordSyntax
- Pest_NocoordSyntax(Location).
Constructor for class absyn.Pest_NocoordSyntax
- points.
Variable in class absyn.Tr
- position.
Variable in class absyn.Conname
- position.
Variable in class absyn.Connector
- Position of the Connector.
- position.
Variable in class absyn.Statename
- position.
Variable in class absyn.TLabel
- Position of the label.
- PrettyEx().
Constructor for class util.PrettyEx
- PrettyPrint().
Constructor for class util.PrettyPrint
- PrettyPrint(int, int).
Constructor for class util.PrettyPrint
- Konstruktoren fuer PrettyPrint.
- RandomIntGenerator(int, int).
Constructor for class util.RandomIntGenerator
- RandomIntGenerator wird mit zwei ganzahligen Werten
min und max konstruiert.
- rect.
Variable in class absyn.State
- Ref_State(Statename, CRectangle, Location, String, Syntax_Type).
Constructor for class absyn.Ref_State
- Ref_State(Statename, CRectangle, String, Syntax_Type).
Constructor for class absyn.Ref_State
- Ref_State(Statename, String, Syntax_Type).
Constructor for class absyn.Ref_State
- removeGUIMenu(Menu).
Method in interface gui.GUIInterface
- Diese Funktion
entfernt ein mit addGUIMenu eingefügtes Menu wieder
aus der Menuzeile des GUI.
- removeGUIMenu(Menu).
Method in class gui.pest
- report(Statechart).
Method in class check.Crossreference
- saveStatechart(BufferedWriter, Statechart).
Method in class tesc1.TESCSaver
- Startet den Export.
- scrollX.
Variable in class editor.Editor
- scrollY.
Variable in class editor.Editor
- setAlgorithm(int).
Method in class tesc2.GraphOptimizer
- Setzt den aktuellen Algorithmus
- setCaption(Statechart).
Method in class tesc1.TESCSaver
- Caption fuer ein gesamtes Statechart aufbauen.
- setCaption(TLabel).
Method in class tesc1.TESCSaver
- Caption fuer TLabel aufbauen und setzen.
- setChangedStatechart(boolean).
Method in class editor.Editor
- setFontMetrics(FontMetrics).
Method in class tesc2.GraphOptimizer
- Setzt die aktuelle FontMetrics
- setPathList(Statechart, Editor).
Static method in class editor.EditorUtils
- setStatechart(Statechart).
Method in class tesc2.GraphOptimizer
- Setzt das aktuelle Statechart
- SEvent(String).
Constructor for class absyn.SEvent
- SEvent(String, Location).
Constructor for class absyn.SEvent
- SEventList(SEvent, SEventList).
Constructor for class absyn.SEventList
- show(Rectangle, Color, Editor, Graphics).
Static method in class editor.EditorUtils
- showAndLine(Point, Point, Color, Editor, MouseEvent).
Static method in class editor.EditorUtils
- showStates(Editor).
Static method in class editor.EditorUtils
- Simu(Statechart, Editor, GUIInterface).
Constructor for class simu.Simu
- Der gewuenschte Konstruktor: die aktuelle Statechart, ein Editorobject und das GUIInterface als Parameter
- simuExit().
Method in interface gui.GUIInterface
- simuExit
Diese Funktion dient dazu,der GUI mitzuteilen,dass der Simulator geschlosen wurde.
- simuExit().
Method in class gui.pest
- source.
Variable in class absyn.Tr
- start().
Method in class tesc2.GraphOptimizer
- Optimiert aktuelles Statechart mit aktuellem Algorithmus
- start(Absyn).
Method in class util.PrettyPrint
- Starte Ausgabe auf Bildschirm (Absyn).
- start(CRectangle).
Method in class util.PrettyPrint
- Starte Ausgabe auf Bildschirm (java.awt.Rectangle).
- start(int).
Method in class tesc2.GraphOptimizer
- Optimiert das aktuelle Statechart mit Algorithmus _algorithm
- start(Location).
Method in class util.PrettyPrint
- Starte Ausgabe auf Bildschirm (Location).
- start(Path).
Method in class util.PrettyPrint
- Starte Ausgabe auf Bildschirm (Path) = Liste von Namen.
- start(PathList).
Method in class util.PrettyPrint
- Starte Ausgabe auf Bildschirm (PathList).
- start(Point).
Method in class util.PrettyPrint
- Starte Ausgabe auf Bildschirm (java.awt.Point).
- start(Point[]).
Method in class util.PrettyPrint
- Starte Ausgabe auf Bildschirm (java.awt.Point[]).
- start(SEvent).
Method in class util.PrettyPrint
- Starte Ausgabe auf Bildschirm (SEvent).
- start(SEventList).
Method in class util.PrettyPrint
- Starte Ausgabe auf Bildschirm (SEventList).
- start(StateList).
Method in class util.PrettyPrint
- Starte Ausgabe auf Bildschirm (StateList)
- start(Tr).
Method in class util.PrettyPrint
- Starte Ausgabe auf Bildschirm (Tr).
- start(TrList).
Method in class util.PrettyPrint
- Starte Ausgabe auf Bildschirm (TrList).
- startPoint.
Variable in class editor.Editor
- state.
Variable in class absyn.Statechart
- State().
Constructor for class absyn.State
- statechart.
Variable in class editor.Editor
- Statechart(SEventList, BvarList, PathList, State).
Constructor for class absyn.Statechart
- Statechart(SEventList, BvarList, PathList, State, Location).
Constructor for class absyn.Statechart
- Statechart(String).
Constructor for class absyn.Statechart
- StateChartHasChanged().
Method in interface gui.GUIInterface
- StateChartHasChanged
Diese Funktion dient,dazu der GUI mitzuteilen, dass an den aktuellen Statechart Änderungen
vorgenommen wurden.
- StateChartHasChanged().
Method in class gui.pest
- stateList.
Variable in class editor.Editor
- StateList(State, StateList).
Constructor for class absyn.StateList
- Statename(String).
Constructor for class absyn.Statename
- Statename(String, CPoint).
Constructor for class absyn.Statename
- Statename(String, CPoint, Location).
Constructor for class absyn.Statename
- StatenameList(Statename, StatenameList).
Constructor for class absyn.StatenameList
- stmt.
Variable in class absyn.ActionStmt
- Contents of the statement.
- substates.
Variable in class absyn.And_State
- substates.
Variable in class absyn.Or_State
- Syntax_Type().
Constructor for class absyn.Syntax_Type
- tail.
Variable in class absyn.Aseq
- Tail of the list.
- tail.
Variable in class absyn.BvarList
- Tail of the list.
- tail.
Variable in class absyn.ConnectorList
- Tail of the list.
- tail.
Variable in class absyn.Path
- tail.
Variable in class absyn.PathList
- tail.
Variable in class absyn.SEventList
- tail.
Variable in class absyn.StateList
- tail.
Variable in class absyn.StatenameList
- tail.
Variable in class absyn.TrList
- target.
Variable in class absyn.Tr
- tesc2Option(pest).
Constructor for class gui.tesc2Option
- Tesc_Syntax().
Constructor for class absyn.Tesc_Syntax
- Tesc_Syntax(Location).
Constructor for class absyn.Tesc_Syntax
- TESCLoader(GUIInterface).
Constructor for class tesc1.TESCLoader
- Erzeugt eine Instanz von
- TESCSaver(GUIInterface).
Constructor for class tesc1.TESCSaver
- Erzeugt eine Instanz von
- TLabel(Guard, Action).
Constructor for class absyn.TLabel
- Constructor.
- TLabel(Guard, Action, CPoint).
Constructor for class absyn.TLabel
- Constructor with Position.
- TLabel(Guard, Action, CPoint, Location).
Constructor for class absyn.TLabel
- Constructor with Position and Location.
- TLabel(Guard, Action, CPoint, Location, String).
Constructor for class absyn.TLabel
- Constructor with Position, Location and Caption.
- toString().
Method in class codegen.CodeGenException
- Overides Throwable
- toString().
Method in class absyn.Location
- Tr(TrAnchor, TrAnchor, TLabel).
Constructor for class absyn.Tr
- Tr(TrAnchor, TrAnchor, TLabel, CPoint[]).
Constructor for class absyn.Tr
- Tr(TrAnchor, TrAnchor, TLabel, CPoint[], Location).
Constructor for class absyn.Tr
- TrAnchor().
Constructor for class absyn.TrAnchor
- TrList(Tr, TrList).
Constructor for class absyn.TrList
- TrList(Tr, TrList, Location).
Constructor for class absyn.TrList
- trs.
Variable in class absyn.Or_State
Constructor for class absyn.UNDEFINED
- UNDEFINED(Location).
Constructor for class absyn.UNDEFINED
- undet.
Variable in class absyn.GuardUndet
- Identifier name.
- userMessage(String).
Method in interface gui.GUIInterface
- Diese Funktion
gibt im Meldungsfenster den uebergebenen String aus.
- userMessage(String).
Method in class gui.pest
- util().
Constructor for class codegen.util
- var.
Variable in class absyn.Bvar
- Contents of the variable.
- var.
Variable in class absyn.MFalse
- Variable to change.
- var.
Variable in class absyn.MTrue
- Variable to change.
- work().
Static method in class editor.Editor
- work(boolean).
Static method in class editor.Editor
- YesNoCancelDialog(Frame, String, String).
Method in interface gui.GUIInterface
- YesNoCancel
wie OkDialog, mit YES, NO und CANCEL, statt OK.
- YesNoCancelDialog(Frame, String, String).
Method in class gui.pest
- YesNoCancelDialog(String, String).
Method in interface gui.GUIInterface
- YesNoCancel
wie OkDialog, mit YES, NO und CANCEL, statt OK.
- YesNoCancelDialog(String, String).
Method in class gui.pest
- YesNoDialog(Frame, String, String).
Method in interface gui.GUIInterface
- YesNoDialog
wie OkDialog, mit YES und NO statt OK.
- YesNoDialog(Frame, String, String).
Method in class gui.pest
- YesNoDialog(String, String).
Method in interface gui.GUIInterface
- YesNoDialog
wie OkDialog, mit YES und NO statt OK.
- YesNoDialog(String, String).
Method in class gui.pest