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Class absyn.Ref_State


public class Ref_State
extends Basic_State

Variable Index

 o filename
Name of the file
 o filetype
sort of the imported syntax

Constructor Index

 o Ref_State(Statename, CRectangle, Location, String, Syntax_Type)
 o Ref_State(Statename, CRectangle, String, Syntax_Type)
 o Ref_State(Statename, String, Syntax_Type)

Method Index

 o clone()


 o filename
 public String filename
Name of the file

 o filetype
 public Syntax_Type filetype
sort of the imported syntax


 o Ref_State
 public Ref_State(Statename n,
                  String fn,
                  Syntax_Type t)
 o Ref_State
 public Ref_State(Statename n,
                  CRectangle r,
                  String fn,
                  Syntax_Type t)
 o Ref_State
 public Ref_State(Statename n,
                  CRectangle r,
                  Location l,
                  String fn,
                  Syntax_Type t)


 o clone
 public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
Throws: CloneNotSupportedException
self-explanatory exception
clone in class Basic_State

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