This is for tests

This is some text where I can look at blah


new = for the year (why 20) 244

What’s that

one more time: source(23) for the year (why 20) 23


Groups 244

Exercises and obligs are discussed in weekly group sessions. Typically we have 4, sometimes 5, group teachers, one for each group (+ some extra graders).

group day time place start teacher github (external) vortex
0           gruppe0-felles  
1 Mon 14:15 fortress     gruppe 1 gruppe 1
2 Thu 10:15 fortress     gruppe 2 gruppe 2
3 Wed 12:15 limbo     gruppe 3 gruppe 3
4 Mon 12:15 modula     gruppe 4 gruppe 4

Group teachers and graders (2024)