Programming resources

The programming language of the lecture and in SICP is Scheme. So the practical coding in the exercises and the obligs will use that language.

Scheme is one of many Lisp-dialects, and Scheme itself comes in different variations. We use in particular R5RS (Revised$^5$ Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme). To practically do the programming one needs a programming environment or editor. DrRacket, which is the recommended editor, supports different languages, it should be set to handle R5RS. For those who are used to work with emacs, that general purpose editor (of course) also supports scheme/lisp (after all, it’s written in lisp itself).

“Vakker scheme” is some style guide, giving guidance on how to write Scheme ``properly’’ and offering coding conventions wrt. choice of names, indentation etc..

R5RS and DrRacket information @ vortex (2020)
DrRacket and Racket editor documentation
emacs & scheme general purpose editor, used for scheme
vakker scheme coding conventions