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Sources of information

Some material (handouts, slides) which have been presented during the course) or circulated via the email list.
1.      19. October coma slides
2.      19. October cvs (obsolete) handout 1
3.      9. November subversion + some tool remarks handout 2
       16. November bugzilla handout 3
       15. November groups organizational form
       15. November groups and next steps handout 5
       18. November   data spec (v2)
       30. November   communication problems
       31. Januar   E-O-S demo
bulletin board: not obligatory, but perhaps useful.
bugzilla: login via email-address + your chosen password (not the generated one, not the ssh-passphrase) For some hints, see also handout 3.
The repository resides on the snert-machine. Write-access is password-protected, for browsing the current status, you can click here current repository status. Write access is granular in the following sense: each group can write only within its own domain of responsibilities. See also repository for fancier access.
some examples you can use for inspiration

Weekly meetings

This section contains the results of the weekly meetings as communicated via email to the group members. There are kept here for quick reference.

0.    19. October      kick-off
1.    26. October      general jamboree
2.    2. November      Tools discussion
3.    9. November      Spec. presentations
4.    announcement (15.11), 16. November      group forming/next steps
5.    23. November      Various topics, in particular: status
5.    30. November      SQL shootout, communicaton problems, (blackboard for reference)
6.    7. December      status, various topics, progress?
7.    14. December      status/progress, SQL, testing, svn
8.    21. December      status/progress, nothing particular
9.    11. January      [status/progress], testing, DB problems
10.    18. January      status/progress report, plan for the rest
11.    25. January      nothing specific, date for end-demo
12.    1. February      last orders, handout 7
12.    8. February      ``E-O-S'', short words about review, detailed info in the resp. slides

Table 2: Meeting minutes

week date topic
01 19.10. Introduction
02 26.10. Discussion
03 02.11. Tools & Architecture
04 09.11. Specification
05 16.11. Milestone 0: Specification / Tools (LATEX source)
06 23.11.  
07 30.11. Milestone 1: ...
08 07.12.  
09 14.12.  
10 21.12. Milestone 2: ...
11 11.01.  
12 18.01.  
13 25.01.  
14 01.02. Milestone 3: ...
15 08.02. Presentation of final product

Spec + tools groups

The following is the material worked out in the first phase. It is also checked in under spec/material in the main trunk of the development.
14.11 Spec 1 specification, coma slides, (in German)
16.11 Spec 2 usecase, Datenstruktur, coma slides (in German)
10.11 Alexander choice of tools
? Tools 1 choice of tools
15.11.04 Tools 2 choice of tools
16.11 Tools 3 choice of tools
- Tests Test concept

Other stuff

LATEX handout class (+ hevea) for tex'ing the handouts, if wished. hevea is only needed if you want to generate webpages out of it, i.e., if the switch is set

Tools potpourri & matrix

The following gives a short overview over the tools, languages ...needed for the project. The are classified according to the differnt developer grouds and the targeted users.

Entries + mean ``available'' or ``required'', - means ``not available'' or ``not required'', and o means ``unclear''. Entries in [brackets] means ``not fully available'' or ``almost not available'', or similar.

In most cases, the versions are those from snert.2 Sometimes the tool versions installed at the computer lab (or at private machines) differs, but without much (or known) problems; even so: ultimately the reference is snert and there, globally installed stuff, not something copied at some obscure private directory.

name version description installed at needed by
          developers customers
      snert lab p1 p2 j test org server client
common development
ant 1.6.2 build tool + + o o + [+] o + -
gnu make 3.80 build tool + + o o - o + + -
subversion 1.0.9 CM + [+] + + + + + o -
common basis
apache 2.0.51 web server + [-] + + + + - + -
mysql 3.23.58 data base + [-] + + + + - + -
jakarta tomcat 5.0.30 web server + - - - + + - + -
java 1.5.0 language + + - - + + - + -
java lib's various further libs [+] [+] - - + + - + -
php 4.3.8 scripting lang. + - + + - + - + -
php doc   doc generation + - o o - o - - -
common testing
junit   unit testing + + - - + + - - -
php unit   unit testing + + [+] [+] - + - - -
puretester   web app. test - + - [-] - + - - +
common spec + doc
jude   design + + + + + + + - -
LATEX tetex 2.0.2 doc + + o o o o + o -
hevea 1.07 doc/html - + o o o o + - -

Table 3: Tools, software, etc

External links


Here's a list of available conference managers of comparable intentions.
widely used
some well-known conference manager, in a free and a (more modern, more stable etc) licensed version. It's based on python
another commercial thing nice demo
Pages last (re-)generated February 10, 2005
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