How to write a parser for the first time, e.g. for the oblig
or maybe also not the first time.
I am working as professor in computer science in the group Reliable Systems at the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, University in Oslo.
or maybe also not the first time.
like for instance for the functional programming course.
(White-)space exploration, FORTRAN, lexing, antiquity & fetishism
or why Y?
A lesser known fact on Ackermann’s function, and the power of higher-order functions
and functions too
Some fineprint on substitution
A small amount of background information (best read in the context of the first sets)
Recursion on the tail or otherwise
like for instance for the functional programming course.
Representation of expressions in the meta-circular evaluator
A glance at Church numerals, inductive data types, and pattern matching
or why Y?
and functions too
A lesser known fact on Ackermann’s function, and the power of higher-order functions
like for instance the compiler construction course.
Or the weak, the loose, and the unsafe. But does it mean anything?
Or maybe how not to implement it?
w— title: “Sound & (in-)complete proof system for first-order logics” excerpt: “Some clarification (I hope)” last_modified_at: <2021-07-15 Thu> hea...
Formal methods as sales pitch